Mozhi Lodge
Mozhi is one of the oldest lodges in the National Park.
Originally government operated, a recent private initiative has refurbished the lodge..
It now boasts 4 luxury chalets set back from the Lufupa River, with a large communal area overlooking the river itself.
Its proximity to an airfield make it an ideal gateway to the National Park with its location in the game rich Lufupa Valley where it opens out to the north onto the Busanga Plains.
It offers a variety of services both on and off the river.
Offset from the lodge is a campground for the adventuresome visitor.
Lufupa River
The Lufupa River is a tributary of the Kafue, and drains the huge flat Busanga plains area.
It originates in papyrus swamps to the north of the plains, then spreads out in the wet rainy summer season into a huge shallow flood plain before being constricted again into its banks. From here it meanders South bordered by luxurious riverine vegetation which spreads out into copses of bushland on either side.
The river itself is home to numerous pods of hippo and some of the largest crocodiles in Africa.
The flat valley is rich in game with grasslands species such as puku being seen alongside browsers such as impala and kudu. With the plentiful prey species sightings of the cats which feed on them is not uncommon.